Which Deep Sea Creature are You?

Good morning, and welcome!

Did you know that 80 (some even say 95) percent of Earth’s oceans remain unexplored? This statistic becomes even wilder when you consider that the oceans make up the vast majority of our planet. This means that, along with our marine environments, most of Earth itself remains unexplored too. You know, the giant rock that’s home to more than 3000 years of human civilization? Yep, that one.

You’ve heard me say that there’s always more to discover in our world. I didn’t realize how true of a statement that was until today, as I find myself face to face with this staggering statistic.  It’s mind blowing to realize that there is so, so, so much more to learn about such an everyday aspect of life. Water: familiar, yet unfamiliar? Simultaneously? What a conundrum!

That’s why today, I thought we could have some fun with the more familiar creatures under the sea with a personality quiz! Too corny? Absolutely it is! We’ve all encountered those ridiculous online personality quizzes, ones based on Disney characters, adorable woodland animals, or even pool noodles (shoutout to all my Purple Pool Noodle brethren out there), but in their defense, they are pretty good for a laugh with friends.

So, after you read about 6 of the most interesting deep sea organisms I could find in search of the one with whom you identify, let minnow which one you get!


Vampire Squid

Eight arms, two tentacles, and a whole lotta style: meet the Vampire Squid from Hell. (No, really: that’s the literal meaning of its scientific name, vampyroteuthis infernalis.) The vampire squid may not be the cuddliest creature in the ocean, but who needs cuteness when you’ve got a dark, dramatic cape eternally flowing behind you as you swim? This particular fashion choice gave the vampire squid its name, as it occasionally exposes the long spines underneath its arms, connected by a thin layer of skin that resembles… well… a vampire’s cape. Appearance aside, vampire squids are old souls that celebrate their unique qualities. They are the only known members of their order still in existence, and have more in common with extinct creatures than most “true squids”. In spite of this, the evolution of the vampire squid has remained minimal for millions of years: why change now? However, as hair-raising as the vampire squid might appear, it’s more softhearted than you might think. Its secret? The vampire squid isn’t actually a vampire, as it prefers feasting upon food particles that sink from the ocean’s surface to sucking blood in the dead of night. In closing, if you’re a vampire squid, you’re likely a bold and creative person. Your steadfast approach to life means you are able to remain true to yourself while retaining a caring personality where others are concerned. Also, there’s a strong possibility that you look really cool in a cape.

Congrats on joining the vampire squid community! Want to learn more about yourself? Check out this Washington Post article I found: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2015/06/23/vampire-squids-arent-vampires-or-squids/

Tripod Fish

The tripod fish is one of the most relaxed creatures in the deep sea, the kind that isn’t afraid to pull up a chair, kick back, and take life as it comes. Its scientific name, “bathypterois grallator”, literally means “deep”, “feathery”, and “one who walks on stilts”. These “stilts” are actually rays extending from its fins, and they are selectively rigid or limp. Flexible rays make for an easy escape from potential predators, while stiff ones make a useful perch as the fish waits for the ocean current to bring prey such as plankton or other small organisms. The rays are nearly 3 times the length of the fish itself and can grow up to nearly 4 feet long! Additionally, the tripod fish knows exactly what it is to “follow your heart”, as its habitat at more than 15,000 feet below the surface has eliminated its need for eyes. They have been reduced from generation to generation, and now the tripod fish navigates the world almost exclusively by its alternative senses. If you’re a tripod fish, you’re a firm believer that going with the flow is the most effective and worthwhile way to experience the world. Flexibility is important to you, as the best opportunities often come in surprising forms. You trust your instincts when it comes to the more unexpected elements in life, and your intuition has rarely steered you wrong.

Congrats on joining the tripod fish community! Want to learn more about yourself (and see a picture of this rare creature, since I was unable to find one) (sorry about that)? Give this Aquarium of the Pacific webpage a try: http://www.aquariumofpacific.org/onlinelearningcenter/species/tripod_fish

Giant Isopod

(Photo "Isopod preserved" by fred0 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

This crustacean knows how to be prepared! With its tough outer shell, the giant isopod’s defense system is nearly impenetrable to the precious few potential predators it has. It shares many of its best known traits with pill bugs, to whom the isopod is closely related. However, there is one notable exception to this statement: its monumental size! It’s all in the name: giant isopods have been known to grow up to more than two feet long. However, this creature’s formidable size makes moving on the ocean floor at more than 7,000 feet under the surface a bit difficult. Its solution is to determinedly cling to the seafloor with tiny claws extending from each of its fourteen legs. These claws assist the isopod in feeding as well, since the scavenging creature often prefers waiting for food to fall from the surface as opposed to wasting valuable energy hunting for elusive prey. The giant isopod is no stranger to opportunity. However, when times are hard, coping is no problem for this creature. Its levels of preparation extend far beyond its nifty outer shell. It is also able to remain alive for long periods of time without eating. One giant isopod was discovered to have gone 5 years without nourishment! Therefore, if you’re a giant isopod, you’re a determined person who never lets an opportunity slip through your fingers. You’re prepared and ready for anything, but your approach to any task is always the simplest, most efficient way to get the job done.

Congrats on joining the giant isopod community! Want to learn more about yourself? Try this Natural History Museum page: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/giant-isopods-curious-crustaceans-on-the-ocean-floor.html

Giant Squid

(Photo "Giant-squid - 02" by TaylorStudiosInc is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)

Move over, isopod, you’re not the only giant lurking in the deep oceans! Between eyes the size of Frisbees (10.5 inches in diameter) and a length of nearly 50 feet long, the giant squid was considered to be a legend for centuries before the first photo evidence of its existence was taken and distributed in 2004. As you can imagine it takes a lot of heart to power such a massive creature—three of them, to be exact! As with all squids, the giant squid has two smaller hearts connected to one “median heart”. Surprisingly, it’s also quite resilient, a fact that is largely credited to its ability to regenerate severed appendages when necessary. Giant squids need all the help they can get, especially when defending themselves against sperm whales, which have been known to prey upon these gargantuan creatures. That’s why this creature is also able to use rings of serrated suckers to inflict circular-shaped wounds upon attackers. Another fun fact? The giant squid’s brain is donut-shaped, with its esophagus running through the middle. This means that it has to be choosy when it comes to their diets, as attempting to swallow anything large or irregularly shaped can damage the brain. In conclusion, if you’re a giant squid, you’re not afraid to believe in yourself even when it seems like no one else does. You approach life with a confident attitude and advocate for celebrating your differences, because you know those unique qualities are the ones that make history.

Congrats on joining the giant squid community! Want to learn more about yourself? See more info on this Smithsonian Ocean site: https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/invertebrates/giant-squid

Pink See Through Fantasia

(Note: the image above is actually a close relative of the Pink See Through Fantasia that is approximately the same size, since I wasn't able to find a photo of this creature, either. For a picture of the fantasia—which really is fascinating to look at, by the way!—please click the Our Breathing Planet link below.)

If one thing can be said about the Pink See Through Fantasia, it’s that this species of sea cucumber has nothing, and I mean nothing, to hide. The fantasia’s skin is completely transparent, leaving its inner organs, which mostly consist of its mouth and intestines, exposed. If you can survive the harsh deep-sea conditions where the fantasia makes its home (without bone structure, it’s actually more effective under the pressure of 8,000 feet of water), you could watch its digestion process from start to finish. The fantasia’s bioluminescence will make things even easier for you, as it has the ability to produce light from its own form. This helps to ward off predators, who are often startled by the sudden light. Like the vampire squid, the fantasia has no shortage of style, as it is traditionally bright pink! It is also a master of mystery, as not much else is known about this fascinating recently discovered creature. In short, if you’re a Pink See Through Fantasia, your vibrant personality is bright, beautiful, and uniquely you. Your friends know that you’re someone to trust and depend upon, even during hard times.You’re also full of surprises, which makes you a joy to get to know!

Congratulations on joining the Pink See Through Fantasia community! Want to learn more about yourself (and see a picture of this rare creature)? I found this Our Breathing Planet article quite informative: https://www.ourbreathingplanet.com/pink-sea-through-fantasia/

Stargazer Fish

(Photo "Tongue (Stargazer)" by Rick Collier is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Nicknamed “the meanest thing in the ocean”, the stargazer fish isn’t one to be trifled with. This vicious predator combines strategy, skill, and some truly terrifying natural adaptations to obtain the food it needs to support itself. The deep sea creature burrows in the sand on the ocean floor, its drab coloring providing the perfect camouflage. Then… it waits. As prey comes swimming by, the stargazer fish lunges outward, its colossal mouth opening to create an inescapable vacuum. It has no need of teeth—it swallows its prey whole. However, prey aren’t the only creatures that should watch out for the stargazer fish. When attacked, it deploys venomous spines on its back and delivers 50-volt electric shocks using an organ behind its eyes. For the stargazer fish, survival isn’t only a necessity—it’s an art form. On the other hand, that’s not to say that it’s all business. While they may not be as flashy as the Pink See Through Fantasia, they’re still called “stargazer fish” for a reason. Their eyes are located on top of their heads, meaning that their gaze is forever locked upon the sky above. If you’re a stargazer fish, nothing can keep you from reaching your goals once they’ve been set. You’re driven, calculated, and ultimately effective. You not only dream big, but you also work tirelessly to achieve those dreams without compromise.

Congratulations on joining the stargazer fish community! Want to learn more about yourself? Try this Roaring Earth page: https://roaring.earth/stargazer-fish/


Does the deep sea seem a little less foreign now? It’s an entirely different world down there, but no less fascinating and complex than the land environment we know. I admire the way each species on this list was able to make inventive adaptations that enable it to survive in a cold, dark, high-pressure environment like the one that lies thousands of feet below the surface of the oceans. Each one takes a different approach to obtaining the resources necessary for survival, a quality which lends itself to a diverse, distinctive and beautiful marine community.

If the other, undiscovered 80 percent of our oceans are anything like the unique and impressive creatures and environments I was able to share with you today, then it’s irrefutably true that our planet is more wondrous than any one person could possibly comprehend. As ocean exploration continues, progressing worldwide by the very minute, I am so excited to find out what new things can be found in our world!

That’s my dare for you: be on the lookout for new things you can discover in your everyday life. Dare to question the universe at your very fingertips. There’s something to learn from everything and everyone. Take the time to find out what that could be. (And feel welcome to reach out to me with your discoveries, as I’m always open to potential post ideas!) I’ve asked you before, what will you wonder about today? However, this morning I encourage you to do more than wonder. Dig deeper, find answers. You’ll never regret learning more about our planet, as each new piece of knowledge only adds to the long list of reasons to marvel at the amazing rock we call home.


  1. Giant-Vampire-Sqid-Fantasia for me
    I’d call you a stargazer fish (yeah that’s right, I’m friends with a celebrity)(be jealous)


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