Which Deep Sea Creature are You?
Good morning, and welcome! Did you know that 80 (some even say 95) percent of Earth’s oceans remain unexplored? This statistic becomes even wilder when you consider that the oceans make up the vast majority of our planet. This means that, along with our marine environments, most of Earth itself remains unexplored too. You know, the giant rock that’s home to more than 3000 years of human civilization? Yep, that one. You’ve heard me say that there’s always more to discover in our world. I didn’t realize how true of a statement that was until today, as I find myself face to face with this staggering statistic. It’s mind blowing to realize that there is so, so, so much more to learn about such an everyday aspect of life. Water: familiar, yet unfamiliar? Simultaneously? What a conundrum! That’s why today, I thought we could have some fun with the more familiar creatures under the sea with a personality quiz! Too corny? Absolutely it is! We’ve all encountered those ridiculous onli...