Gelato: A 500-Year Love Story
Buongiorno, and welcome! I am a sucker for a good teen romance. I know, I know, laugh all you want, but there’s something satisfying about what I have fondly dubbed the soap operas of the literary world. No matter what kind of woes the protagonists have with their environment, self-esteem and each other, you can always count on a fairytale ending waiting for you on the last page. It’s ridiculously easy to get sucked into these characters and their all-too-recognizable laundry lists of bottled-up feelings ready to spill over plot twists you totally saw coming. Recommendations? Sure, I have tons. Jenna Evans Welch’s Love and Gelato is one I really enjoyed. My favorite part of Mrs. Welch’s book is that it offers multiple love stories all at once: one in the present, one in the past, and one with Italy and its culture. So, naturally, after I finished crying over the back cover, I was curious to learn more about gelato, the Italian treat the protagonist, Lina, was able to turn to at he...